In-Person Mindfulness Training
Let Mindfulness Works For Organisations take care of all aspects of your in-house training requirements.
About Mindfulness Training in the Work Place
Stephen Archer – MWFO Managing Director and Lead Trainer.
Mindfulness Works For Organisations Offers…
BESPOKE COURSES – Tailored specifically for your requirements
MINDFULNESS AS A PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY – Our proprietary mindfulness course
ON-GOING GROUP SESSIONS – Follow-up sessions for those of your people who would like to practice and learn further
MINDFULNESS MENTORING – One-on-one or small-group mindfulness mentoring sessions
ONLINE SUPPORT OPTIONS – Options for providing apps and/or online training programmes to your people so that they can continue to practice in ways that are easy and accessible for them.
““The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand strongly endorses mindfulness as a useful way to improve positive mental health and resilience. We recommend Stephen Archer (MWFO) as an experienced mindfulness practitioner.” – Hugh Norriss, Director of Policy & Development